When making bookings, we require the customers name to appear within the booking and ticket as per the their passport.


Below are a few unusual scenerios you may be faced with. Please refer to the Name correction policy here, for anything else. 

If your customer has a single name:

Example: The customer only has a first name, this would be shown as the last/surname name with LNU code added as first name

ELIZABETH/LNU (last name unknown)


Example: The customer only has a last/surname name, this would be shown as normal with first name as FNU code 

THOMPSON/FNU (first name unknown)

If your customer has a single letter for their last/surname:

The single letter is added at the beginning of the first name, and the surname is shown with the customer's title as the first name.

For example: C is the surname, this should be added at the beginning of the first name with the title.


Single-Letter First Name:


If your customer only has a single letter for their first name:

The surname will be shown as normal and the first name shown with the customer's title.

For example: T is the customer's first name, the surname is shown as normal and the single letter including the title as the first name.


If your customer has a middle name and a single-letter first name

The surname will be shown as normal, with the first name shown with the customer’s middle name.

Example: T is the customer's first name, Lewis is their middle name, surname shown as normal.


If your customer has more characters than can be added to the name field in a PNR, add the surname and as many characters of the first name.


Example name is William Johnson Grey Kingsley 



The following OSI must be added to the booking with the customers full name, example: