Our flexible booking policy

Virgin HolidaysVirgin Atlantic


Our flexible ‘no change fees’ booking policy gives you the freedom to book your trip now with Virgin Atlantic or Virgin Holidays and change it later if you need to - all without any of those pesky admin charges.

When you book a flight or a holiday that starts before 30 April 2022, you’re free to change your travel dates as much as you like. You can even choose a different destination or make one name change (if you’d like someone else to benefit from your ticket).

You'll just need to make sure you travel before 30 April 2023 and make any changes before the date you were originally due to travel.


This policy applies to bookings made and flights cancelled on or after 3rd March 2021. If you booked before this and want to make a change, check our earlier policies.

Your new travel arrangements are subject to availability and there may be a fare difference to pay if you change your dates and the new fare is higher There may also be additional charges under our standard terms and conditions.

When you're ready to rebook, we're here for you

If you booked directly with us, you can use our Rebook my flights form. We'll check availability for your chosen destination and dates, and if there's no fare difference to pay, we’ll update your booking and email your new eTicket. If we need to speak to you about anything, we'll get in touch via WhatsApp or SMS within 7 days to complete the process. 

Not ready to rebook?

If you haven’t yet decided on new travel dates, we’ll keep your ticket open as credit until you’re ready. Your new travel dates can be any time up to 30 April 2023 and the same flexible booking policy applies.

You’ll need to use the full value of your open ticket. If your new ticket price is lower, we can’t refund the difference.

If you’ve changed your mind, that’s okay — you can postpone your holiday, giving you more time to plan.

The best way to change your holiday dates or pick a different destination is to get in touch with our Customer Service team at Virgin Holidays, available 7 days a week to help.

Received a digital voucher?

If you received a voucher, you have until 30 September 2021 to spend it on a new holiday.

Find your voucher in Manage my booking, make a note of the unique code and head over to our website www.virginholidays.co.uk to start planning your next getaway - Once you’ve decided where and when you want to go, simply apply your voucher code at the checkout.

Payment flexibility

Don’t worry if you’ve missed a payment or just need a little more time to pay; we have options available to help you.

  • Customers travelling before 31 August 2021 have a reduced balance due date and can pay their balance 6 weeks prior to departure rather than 12 weeks before.
  • If you’re struggling to pay, you can delay any additional payments by amending your booking to travel at a later date.
  • If your holiday is more than 6 months away, you may wish to set up a Direct Debit to spread the cost.

If your booking with Virgin Holidays is unaffected and you choose to cancel, we understand.

Please bear in mind, if your holiday is still planned to go ahead, our standard cancellation terms and conditions apply and your refund may be less than the amount you’ve paid.  Please contact us to discuss this option. Our Customer Service team at Virgin Holidays are available 7 days a week to help.

If you booked before 3rd March, check our earlier policies here.


Our flexible booking policy was updated on 3 March 2021. If you booked before this, check our earlier policies below.

Earlier flexible booking policies where flights are still operating

Our flexible booking policy (replaced by new policy 3 March 2021)

We understand that the ever-changing travel restrictions can make planning your trip difficult, so we’ve got you covered. This policy is to allow for more flexibility if your plans change.

When you book to travel any time up to 30 April 2022, you can make unlimited date changes and one name change free of charge (if you’d like someone else to benefit from your ticket). You'll just need to use your ticket by 30 April 2023.

We'll also waive any difference in the fare if your travel is completed by 31 May 2021.

It’s important that you make any changes before the date you were originally due to travel.

This policy applies to bookings made on or after 6 February 2021,  and to flights which are cancelled from 6 February 2021.

If you booked before 6 February 2021 and would like to make a change, check our previous flexible booking policy at the bottom of this page. 

If you booked with Virgin Holidays, or through another website or travel agent, please contact them directly for your options.