For how long is Virgin Atlantic COVID-19 Cover being provided?
For passengers who purchase travel insurance with their flights on our website, the Virgin Atlantic COVID-19 Cover will provide cover for all travel dates. For passengers that do not purchase travel insurance with their flight on our website, Virgin Atlantic COVID-19 Cover will be provided for passengers travelling between 24th August 2020 and 31st March 2021.
What does Virgin Atlantic COVID-19 Cover include? Do exclusions apply?
You can find all the policy wording and exclusions in the cover guide below. This policy does not have any exclusions for any pre-existing medical conditions. Restrictions do apply depending on the government advice of your country of residence. See further details below.
What is the duration of Virgin Atlantic COVID-19 Cover? What if I have a one-way ticket?
There is no restriction of the duration of a journey but, for one-way trips, cover will cease 12 hours after the arrival time of your final flight.
What if I continued my journey by car, train or flight to another city or country, after arriving at the Virgin Atlantic destination?
Virgin Atlantic COVID-19 Cover is valid for the full duration of your trip even if you continue onwards to another city using another mode of transport. However, for one-way trips cover ends 12 hours after the arrival time of your final flight.
Am I covered for the cost of a COVID-19 test?
Cover is provided for the cost of a COVID-19 test only where it is medically necessary and on the request of a treating doctor in order to diagnose and treat the patient.
I’m flying with Virgin Atlantic on a ticket that involves a flight on another airline. Am I covered?
Your booking will also need to include at least one Virgin Atlantic operated/flown flight. If this is the case, you will qualify for assistance, as long as one of the flights in your journey is booked on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft. If other flights in your journey were with Delta, Air France, KLM or one of our other partners, you are eligible, as long as you are booked to fly on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft at least once during your trip.
I understand only Virgin Atlantic tickets are eligible for cover, how do I check if I have a Virgin Atlantic ticket?
You can find this in your booking confirmation under "eTicket number" or “ticket number”. The first three digits of all Virgin Atlantic tickets are always 932. All tickets bought on are on Virgin Atlantic tickets.
For example, ticket numbers are displayed on your booking confirmation for tickets bought on You can check if you have a Virgin Atlantic ticket as it starts with “932”.
Your ticket will also need to contain at least one flight that is booked to fly on Virgin Atlantic aircraft.
Tickets bought on, or are not eligible, as they are not sold on a Virgin Atlantic ticket.
My first flight was on BA to London I then connected on to Virgin Atlantic, am I covered?
Yes, as long as it was purchased on a Virgin Atlantic ticket and at least one of the flights is booked to fly on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft. All other policy eligibility criteria also apply.
Do I qualify for assistance if bought my Virgin Atlantic ticket via a travel agent or an online travel agent?
Yes, as long as it was purchased on a Virgin Atlantic ticket and at least one of the flights is booked to fly on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft. All other policy eligibility criteria also apply.
Does it matter when my ticket was booked/issued?
No. The cover is automatically effective from the effective date of 24th August 2020 or the date the booking is made (whichever is earlier)
Are infants / children covered?
Yes, as long as it was purchased on a Virgin Atlantic ticket and at least one of the flights is booked to fly on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft. All other policy eligibility criteria also apply.
Am I covered if I use Flying Club miles (or Miles Plus Money) to purchase the ticket?
Yes as long as you have a Virgin Atlantic ticket (this is normally the case for ticket purchased with Flying Club miles). You also must have at least one of the flights is booked to fly on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft with all other policy eligibility criteria met.
Does it cover residents returning to their home country?
Yes, cover will be provided and will end upon your arrival home.
Does the assistance cover costs of mandatory quarantine even without a positive COVID-19 test?
If you are requested to quarantine by a medical professional or appropriate local authority because they suspect you have contracted or have been exposed to coronavirus, we will provide cover for the additional costs detailed in the policy guide document if you are unable to travel as planned.
Do I get any policy confirmation email before I travel?
With your purchased travel insurance you will get a policy confirmation email for your standard comprehensive travel insurance. However, the COVID-19 Cover is provided on top of your purchased comprehensive travel insurance. All details and related policy documents can be found on this website. We will just need to check that at least one of the flights was booked to fly on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft when you make a claim.
Am I covered if I booked a package or cruise from Virgin Holidays?
Yes as long as your flights are booked on a Virgin Atlantic ticket and at least one of the flights in your booking is to fly on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft. All other policy eligibility criteria also apply.
Am I covered if I booked a flight and hotel via
Yes as long as your flights are booked on a Virgin Atlantic ticket, at least one of the flights in your booking is on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft and all other policy eligibility criteria are met.
If the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advises against travel to my destination country what does this mean for the cover?
The policy excludes cover for any travel that is against the government advice of the country that you are resident in. So if you are a resident in the United Kingdom and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advises against all but essential travel to your destination country, you will be only be covered under this policy if your travel is ‘essential’ under the FCDO guidelines.
What government advice applies if I am not a United Kingdom resident?
If you are a resident in a country that is not the United Kingdom, the local government advice for your home country (your usual country of residence) will apply.
If the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advice changes for my destination country, does this policy provide any cover?
Please refer back to the agent you made your booking with to discuss your options in this situation. If they are unable to be of assistance, please contact your main travel insurance provider. The Virgin Atlantic COVID-19 Cover does not extend to provide cancellation cover and so a claim cannot be made for this event.
Are both myself and my companion covered if we booked using our Virgin Atlantic Credit Card companion ticket voucher/offer?
Yes, as long as it was purchased on a Virgin Atlantic ticket, at least one of the flights is booked to fly on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft. All other policy eligibility criteria also apply.
Does this cover my whole family and/or the people I am travelling with?
The Virgin Atlantic COVID-19 Cover is in place to cover all passengers that purchased insurance with their flight booking on
Does this replace the need for me to buy travel insurance for my trip?
No, this product is not a substitute for having comprehensive travel insurance. We recommend that you purchase a travel insurance product suitable for your requirements as soon as possible after making your travel booking. You may already possess such alternative cover for some or all of the features and benefits provided by this insurance product. It is your responsibility to investigate this.
I booked with Virgin Atlantic a long time ago, am I covered?
Yes, this covers all existing and new bookings on a Virgin Atlantic ticket with at least one of the flights booked to fly on a Virgin Atlantic aircraft travelling from 24th August 2020 to 31st March 2021 inclusive.
My trip is booked to depart before 31st March but my return flight is after 31st March? Am I covered?
Cover is available up to and including 31st March 2021 only, whether you have started your journey before this date or not.
My flight departs on 31st March but arrives on 1st April, am I covered?
Yes, cover will be provided on a one-way basis.
I went to the airport for my flight, but I was not allowed to fly because I have had COVID-19 symptoms. Am I covered?
Cover is available for the additional costs you incur to enable you to continue your trip. Please refer to Section 2 of the policy guide for full details. We will need you to provide written confirmation from the airline or appropriate local authority that you were denied boarding and the reason for this to be able to consider your claim. There is no cover for any unused costs.
If I am refused boarding will I be covered for the cost of any missed ongoing travel arrangements?
We do not cover the cost of the pre-booked missed arrangements, but we will cover the cost of the additional or replacement arrangements. To claim the cost of any unused expenses, we recommend you contact your travel insurance provider.
How do I get assistance? Do I need to fill up any application forms, or submit any documents before I fly?
Please contact the Allianz Assistance 24-hour emergency medical team on +44 (0)20 8239 4028 or by emailing: There is no need to complete any forms before you travel.
Can I pay first and then reclaim my expenses?
If you are admitted to hospital as an inpatient, are unable to travel as planned due to being seriously unwell with coronavirus or your medical treatment costs are expected to exceed £500, please contact the Allianz Assistance 24-hour emergency medical team as soon as possible. For all other claims, please retain all receipts, invoices and other expenses so you can submit a claim for your expenses.
Do I need to obtain pre-approval before incurring any cost for medical treatment or quarantine charges when tested COVID-19 positive?
Yes. You must obtain pre-approval from the Allianz Assistance 24-hour emergency medical team for any medical expenses over £500, as per contact details provided above. Failure to comply with this may void any assistance or claims.
What information or documents do I need once I have tested positive for COVID-19?
This will depend on the nature of the event causing your claim. Please refer to the policy guide for further details or contact the Allianz Assistance claims department on +44 (0)20 8239 4029
If I am asked to quarantine, how do I recover my additional costs including accommodation charges etc.?
Please contact the Allianz Assistance claims department by calling +44 (0)20 8239 4029 or by emailing:
Other questions
Can I use the information provided by Virgin Atlantic as proof of insurance in countries that require insurance?
You will need to follow the guidelines for your country of residence and/or departure with regard to COVID-19 requirements, including proof of insurance. In some cases, the cover guide below alongside your Virgin Atlantic ticket may be sufficient as proof of cover. In any case, we are unable to provide any individual policy documents to use as proof of cover.
Will I need to share my personal information to get assistance?
Yes, the Allianz Assistance 24-hour emergency medical team will require a certain level of information before they are able to assist you. Please be assured that if you need assistance, our experienced team will guide you through the process and explain what details are required but will not ask you for more than is necessary in order to provide assistance.
Questions not covered by this FAQ
Where can I find the policy wording?
Below this FAQ.
How can I contact Virgin Atlantic to obtain more information regarding this cover?
For information before you travel, please contact the Customer Service department at Allianz Assistance on +44 (0)20 8239 4030 or email them at: To obtain assistance or guidance during your journey, please contact the Allianz Assistance 24-hour emergency medical team on +44 (0)20 8239 4028 or by emailing:
Can I contact the Virgin Atlantic Call Centre for any information relating to the above cover?
For further information, please contact the Customer Service department at Allianz Assistance on +44 (0)20 8239 4030 or email them at: