Virgin Atlantic St Vincent

WOW WOW WOW St. Vincent! What a welcome!

Crew St Vincent

Our first flights in and out of St. Vincent and the Grenadines today were just incredible! From the moment I got on board in Barbados, it was evident from the atmosphere on board that the excitement was next level. There were passengers with St Vincent flags, dressed in the national colours and one lady even had a dress made out of the flag! The entire 27 minute flight was filled with absolute joy, laughter, clapping and cheering as we sang and danced our way over.

Crew St Vincent

Seeing the islands of the Grenadines, and then St. Vincent is a memory etched in all our minds, for the rest of our lives. Despite the outside being a little hazy, the recent rains held off and the sun shone for our arrival.

St Vincent & The Grenadines

Upon arrival, it was evident that the masses had turned out to greet us, with cars lining the adjoining hillsides, and the swathes of press as we opened the doors.

Crew St Vincent

Then, Dr. The Honourable Ralph Gonsalves was there to greet myself, the crew and each of the passengers getting off. A real treat for the passengers who were already so very excited. The Minister of Tourism, the CEO of the Tourism Authority, Chairwoman of the Tourism Authority and the Resident British High Commissioner were all there too - all equally as excited to see our gorgeous plane on the ground.

Crew St Vincent

The press filled the conference room full of cameras and microphones, as the PM, Minister, CEO and myself delivered speeches to live national TV, radio and social news outlets. We were honoured to have a national treasure play the national anthem on the steel pan, and a lovely prayer by a bishop.

Crew St Vincent

The amazing crew including the now famous Des, were all cheered when they entered and everyone enjoyed meeting them, thanking them and of course getting their pics with them!

St Vincent & The Grenadines

We were all treated to some delicious snacks and drinks and some fab local gifts before having the chance to speak more intimately with the Ministers and other dignitaries who had shown up to meet us all.

When it was sadly time to leave, I was in awe of how many people were still sitting in their cars, waiting patiently to watch us leave. Just wonderful to see just how excited this small, but proud country are by our presence, and what our presence truly means to them and their development. A job truly well done by all involved!

Crew St Vincent