Onboard WiFi

Stay online with a messaging pass from £2.99. Or choose from one of our other passes to carry on with whatever you fancy. The WiFi service on this aircraft is not quite up to streaming or internet calling, so we recommend diving into our seatback entertainment the very latest and greatest in movies, TV and sounds at your fingertips, or downloading some favourites onto your devices before you fly. *

WiFi passes available on your flight

  Messaging Basic surf Premium surf Streaming
Cost £2.99 £12.99 £29.99 £24.99
Duration Full flight Full flight Full flight 3 hours
Messaging tick tick tick tick
Voice/video calls cross cross tick tick
Web browsing cross tick** tick tick
Email cross tick tick tick
Streaming cross cross cross tick
Social cross tick** tick tick

* You might find that coverage drops out occasionally, for example as we move from one satellite’s range to another. Internet speed also depends on how many people are using it at the same time.

** Embedded video is not available

WiFi coverage on your flight

Wifi coverage with Panasonic on B787